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  • SWASTHYA RAKSHAN CONSULTATION- (by Appointments only)


    A unique program for only those who are HEALTHY and wish to remain HEALTHY.


             This will help to enhance your Spiritual and Mental ability to achieve higher goals in life. Vaidya (Dr) Abhijit will help u understand what is ‘Hita’-  Beneficial and what is ‘Ahita’- Non beneficial for you. He will help u make healthy choices, be it food, exercise, indulgence, habits, hobbies, sports, relationship at home and workplaces. Explore the hidden or unutilized Physical and Mental strength within you and get the tips to improve those.  Get your ASTROLOGICAL HEALTH analysis which will help you to take care of your health in prevention and longevity. Astrohealth analysis will teach you to be vigilant, careful of your health when the ‘Kala’ time is unfavorable. Understand the influence of your ‘Vastu’ on your health and get advantage of it.

    This is the best gift of Āyurveda for humanity.