Ancient Indian scriptures & Ayurveda on the root cause of Stress,The most common disease today


Posted on: Friday 9th of January 2015 11:17:24 PM

Day to day stress has become a part of life in ‘kaliyuga’ (Modern age) as we are making our body and mind do more work than its capacity and strength. Physical and mental mutitasking has become part of life and most of the times this becomes a challenging and demanding. These challenges of performing actions are most of the times associated with worries or ‘Chinta’ be it because of fear, expectations, excellence,  acheive targets, success etc. ....
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Challanges in Research of Ayurveda and its journey


Posted on: Monday 11th of November 2013 03:15:53 PM

In today's world, it is becoming increasingly clear that health or disease is a manifestation of long term habits and practices, i.e. lifestyle. Modern medicine philosophy has made great strides in understanding the various systems that comprise a human body. ....
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Posted on: Friday 30th of August 2013 12:02:05 PM

In ‘Kaliyuga’ one of the best gifts which humanity is receiving is ‘Speed’.  We are getting things done in fraction of seconds, information and analysis on the click of buttons, quick results, quick decisions, fast productivity, fast delivery and much more. All these demands activities in high speed, time bound targets, fast recovery, less wear and tear and yes long sustainability. With successfully creating these qualities in machineries and electronic devices in order to enjoy this modern life, we humans have also paced our lifestyle accordingly; yes ‘On time’, are our activities and our goals of life. ....
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Contribution of Ayurveda in prevention of Diabetes


Posted on: Wednesday 28th of August 2013 10:05:54 AM

The epidemic of infectious diseases is an known challenge for any medical system active at that given time since the existence of human beings. But epidemic of a lifestyle disease like Diabetes is originated only in the past decade and seems to be of great challenge to the medical fraternity in the coming years. With all the advent of new very fast acting oral and injectable  anti-diabetic medicines the modern medicine is still lacking in giving  solutions for putting hold on the rise in diabetes cases and prevention of diabetes seems to be a milestone much far than expected.  Known Diabetic cases worldwide are 256 million, which are projected  to rise to the figure 380 million till 2025. ....
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Challanges in Research of Ayurveda and its journey

Monday 11th of November 2013 03:15:53 PM


Friday 30th of August 2013 12:02:05 PM

Contribution of Ayurveda in prevention of Diabetes

Wednesday 28th of August 2013 10:05:54 AM