The root cause of Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart disease, Knee pain and many more diseases is Obesity. Weight gain is not possible in a short duration of time but rather it is a slow ongoing metabolic process which affects digestion and many systems of the body gradually. How can we expect to then reverse this in a short span of time with heavy gym work out or dieting? It is well established facts that heavy gym workouts or dieting alone for weight loss does a lot of damage contrary to giving benefits.
The ideal approach would be SLOW, STEADY and permanent changes.
Āyurveda Panchakarma.
Snehan- therapeutic oil massage.
Udvartan- Powder massage.
Swedan- Steam
Basti-for detoxification.
Vaman and or Virechan
Duration: 15 days module, one session in interval of three months
Lifestyle and Diet modulations.
Counseling – to enhance mental strength and patience.