Special Modules

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  • Healthy pregnancy and prenatal natal and post natal care.


    Healthy progeny starts right from making ‘Sankalpa’(thought and planning for child) to the post natal care. Āyurveda has amazingly scientific guideline for this in a very well structured manner. Preparing the couple physically and mentally for this is the beginning. Improving the quality of sperms and ovum to give birth to a healthy progeny is a unique concept of Ayurveda which is the endeavor of this module.


    This module is a unique integration of

     Primary preparation by doing Panchakarma detoxification for the couple.

     Basti, Vaman and or Virechan

     Lifestyle and Diet modulations.

     Counseling – to enhance mental strength, faith, commitment and patience.

    Month wise natal care

    Scientific post-delivery care which prevents many diseases which a female can affect in later life

    Newborn care – diet, oil application and month wise care

    Diet and lifestyle guideline till the age of one year of child